Church Groups
Home Groups
Home Groups aim to bring people together throughout the week. Meeting in different settings, they create space to spend time together, encourage each other and build friendships.
One Home Group is running very successfully. Meeting fortnightly in the St Lawrence Centre, and with guided notes and questions, they explore the sermon further and how it relates to living as Ambassadors for Christ.
Further groups are planned.
If you are interested in joining a Home Group or would like further information, please contact Maria Smith.
Flower Guild
This is a group of volunteers who arrange the flowers in Church, on a rota basis. Newcomers will be warmly welcomed! You don't need to be an expert - just keen to learn. For further information, please contact
Lunch Club
The club usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month, from noon until 2pm in the Church Hall.
A two course lunch is provided and served by parishioners, followed by tea or coffee.
There is usually a table quiz and a raffle.
The cost is £5 and tickets must be pre-booked, as there is a limited capacity. Details of the menu together with booking information can be found by contacting Elaine Wigington.
Film Club
The Film Club meets 6 times a year in alternate months, on a Tuesday afternoon in the church hall. The meeting starts at 1.45pm with a film which could be a less serious drama, a light hearted comedy or occasionally a musical. The films may be recent or a classic from the past, and usually last between 1 hour 30 minutes and 1 hour 45 minutes.
After the film there is an opportunity to socialise and discuss the film while enjoying tea and cakes with friends. The afternoon finishes no later than 4.30pm.
The meetings are open to club members only as numbers have to be limited because of space limitations. To apply for membership, please contact Elaine Wigington,
We are grateful to a small group of volunteers who ensure that the afternoon runs smoothly.
Friendship Café
The Friendship Cafe is open 10.30am - noon in the St Lawrence Centre on the first Wednesday of each month for coffee / tea, cake and conversation. Cost £2.